List of Speaker Participant

No NAME INSTITUTION Category Title of Paper Full Paper
31 Ahmad Muhazir, Kana Hidayati, Heri Retnawati Yogyakarta State University Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Prior Achievement, Self-efficacy, and Mathematical Literacy on Uncertainty and Data Content of XI Grade Senior High School Students OK
32 Sarah Desiana Pahu Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Understanding mathematical abstraction’s role in students’ problem-solving skills OK
33 Surya Shofiyana Sukarman; Heri Retnawati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Teachers' Barriers in Implementing Integrated STEM Education: A Literature Review OK
34 Niswah Qurrota A'yuni; Sugiman Mathematics Education of Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University Using Technology in mathematics education Virtual Face to Face in Online Mathematics Learning: is it Important? OK
35 Hartono; Kus Prihantoso K; Husna 'Arifah UNY Mathematical Analysis Analysis of Elastic Beam Vibration Model OK
36 Dwi Kawuryani;Endah Retnowati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Application of model methods to improve students representation skill in solving mathematical word problems OK
37 Iqlima Ramadhani Fabella;Rosnawati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Scientific Approach with Cooperative Setting STAD: Effective Teacher Strategy in terms of Student Achievement and Learning Motivation OK
38 Zuliyanti; Ilham Rizkianto Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Development of realistic mathematics education learning to enhance student's mathematical justification skill OK
39 Evvy Lusyana STIT Muhammadiyah Tempurejo Ngawi Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning How to lecture statistics class? OK
40 Maria Evarista Oktaviane Barut Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Examining secondary school student’s lower order thinking skill OK
