List of Speaker Participant 2022

No NAME INSTITUTION Category Title of Paper Full Paper
41 Nilza Humaira Salsabila; Baidowi; Syahrul Azmi; Ulfa Lu’luilmaknun Universitas Mataram Using Technology in mathematics education Instructional Multimedia with Local Context oriented to Numeracy Skills: Practicality and Effectiveness OK
42 Labibah Arih Rahayu; Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Adversity Quotient in Math Learning: how to develop it so that students' reflective intelligence also develops OK
43 Edi Supriyadi; Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Statistics A Bibliometrics Analysis on Big Data Research with Affiliation from Indonesian (2015–2022) OK
44 Astri Widyasari; Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Preliminary Analysis of Basic Science Process Skills of Post-Pandemic Era Elementary School Students OK
45 shinta agustina putri; agus maman abadi UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA Using Technology in mathematics education E-Worksheet Based Guided Inquiry Oriented to Mathematic Problem Solving For Junior High School OK
46 Sayyidah Umma Rahmawati; Kana Hidayati YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Learning Mathematics With Reciprocal Teaching Assisted by Mind Mapping, How Does It Affect the Ability to Understand Concepts? OK
47 Zulfa Maziidah; Kana Hidayati; Elly Arliani; Heri Retnawati; Jailani Yogyakarta State University Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Analysis of Difficulties of Class VIII Students in Solving Numeration Problems with Minimum Competency Assesment Types of Geometry Content Based on the Stages of Van Hiele’s Thinking OK
48 Siti Zahra Zahrona; Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Can Emotional Intelligence in Mathematics Learning be Improved Through the TPS Model? Literature Review OK
49 Ratna Puspitasari; Sugiman Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Student Creativity in Solving Unique Mathematical Problems with Contextual Approach OK
50 Peni Fauziah Puadah;Elah Nurlaelah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Student's Metacognitive Ability ini Mathematical Problem-Solving : A Systematic Literature Review OK
