List of Speaker Participant 2024
No | NAME | INSTITUTION | Category | Title of Paper | Full Paper |
41 | Vidia Amalia Adjis | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Design of Pisa-Like Mathematics Problems for Learning Change and Relationship i n Mathematical Literacy | |
42 | Yoyada Nufninu | Yogyakarta State University | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | DESIGNING TESTLET MODEL MATHEMATICAL LITERACY QUESTIONS ON MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY MATERIAL | |
43 | Afifah Ainun Nadjla | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Mathematical Analysis | bibliometric analysis of learning design trends based on animated videos to achieve problem solving skills in comparison materials | |
44 | Fathurrahman Azhari Putra; Hartono | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | A Faded Example Task to Develop Algebraic Thinking Skills | OK |
45 | Nila Mareta Murdiyani; Marsigit; Endah Retnowati; Ouhao Chen | Mathematics Education Department FMIPA UNY | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | The Potential of the Interleaving Method in Mathematics Learning | |
46 | Shinta Istibsyaroh Umami; I Nyoman Budiantara; Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo | Departement of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Statistics | Selecting of Optimal Knot Points and Oscillation Parameters with Cross-Validation (CV), Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV), and Unbiased Risk (UBR) in Nonparametric Combined Estimators Truncated Spline and Fourier Series | OK |
47 | Yuni Apriani; Ali Mahmudi | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Math Anxiety and Adversity Quotient: How Does It Affect Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills? | OK |
48 | Sri Andayani; Djamilah Bondan W; Thesa Adi SY | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Using Technology in mathematics education | Addressing Interactivity Challenges in Network-Based Media for Mathematical Competence | |
49 | Tanti Listiani; Dhoriva Urwatul Wustqa; Kuswari Hernawati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Using Technology in mathematics education | Research Trends about Ubiquitous Learning and its Relevance in Mathematics Education | OK |
50 | Salsabila; Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Metacognitive Strategies in Problem-Based Learning: What They Are and How to Implement Them | OK |