List of Speaker Participant 2020
No | NAME | INSTITUTION | Category | Title of Paper | Full Paper |
11 | Sri Sulasteri;Firdayana Makmur;Baharuddin;Fitriani Nur;Andi Dian Angriani;Andi Halimah | Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Kahoot: Application in Test Instrument Development on Mathematics Learning | OK |
12 | Andriyani; Joko Lianto Buliali; Andreast Wahyu Sugiyarta | Universitas Ahmad Dahlan | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Identification of Deaf Student’s Difficulties in Understanding the Circle Concept | OK |
13 | Arbella Sri Marleny. M ; Nyimas Aisyah ; Somakim | MAGISTER PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA | Using Technology in mathematics education | Development of Student Worksheets Based on Ethnomathematics Context of Oil Palm Cultivation with IRME Approach on Flat Field Material for Junior High Schools | OK |
14 | Saiful Ramadan; Wahyu Setyaningrum | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Using Technology in mathematics education | Attractive Way to Teach and Learn Mathematics using Role-Playing Games: A Literature Review | OK |
15 | Herry Agus Susanto; Meidawati Suswandari; Dewi Kusumaningsih | Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | GIVING STUDENTS FREEDOM TO LEARN THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LESSON STUDY | |
16 | Dwi Lestari;Asmara Iriani Tarigan;Elin Herlinawati;Atmini Dhoruri,Agus Maman Abadi | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta;Universitas Terbuka | Applied Mathematics & Computer | Goal Programming Model using A Penalty Function for Optimizing Nutritional-Menu Planning for Toddlers | OK |
17 | Nila Kesumawati;Allen Marga Retta;Dina Octaria | Univeristas PGRI Palembang | Using Technology in mathematics education | STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING MATHEMATICS PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITIES FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH E-LEARNING | OK |
18 | Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti: Nani Maryani | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | The Contextual and Scientific Approaches in Mathematics Learning: a comparison of its effectiveness in terms of the Mathematical Literacy | OK |
19 | Tubagus Pamungkas; Irfan Wahyu Prananto; Eka Zuliana | Universitas Riau Kepulauan, Indonesia; Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia | Statistics | Characterization, Prediction and Minimization of COVID-19 Potency in Border Area for Planning Education Activity | OK |
20 | N Ratnaningsih; S Santika; E Hidayat; R Nuraeni | Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Siliwangi | Using Technology in mathematics education | Development of Interactive Multimedia Using Adobe Flash Based on Problem Solving in Trigonometry Learning | OK |