List of Speaker Participant 2020
No | NAME | INSTITUTION | Category | Title of Paper | Full Paper |
111 | Arif Rakhman; Kana Hidayati | Univeritas Negeri Yogyakarta | Using Technology in mathematics education | How to improve problem solving skill with mobile game in mathematics learning? | |
112 | Wilminche Monaricha Donanda E. L. Kelen | Universitas Sanata Dharma | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Ethnomathematical Exploration in the Marriage Traditions of the Titehena Community, East Flores | OK |
113 | Jewish Van Septriwanto; Karyati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Motor Skills in Mathematics Learning: How to Develop it through Teammates Consult Model with Motor Learning Method? | OK |
114 | Ayu Kartika Sari; Sugiman; Endah Retnowati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Using Technology in mathematics education | Google Classroom using worked example strategy: its effectiveness on learning mathematics | OK |
115 | Tedi Dewanto; Karyati; Emut; Agus Maman Abadi | Yogyakarta State University | Algebra | Solving the Generalized Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number Linear Programming Problem | OK |
116 | Nourma Pramestie Wulandari; Ulfa Lu’luilmaknun; Lisa Harsyiah; Mega Suliani; Mohammad Archi Maulyda | Universitas Mataram | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | Teaching macro excel on pre-service mathematics teachers: Analysis error in solving the syntax manually | |
117 | Ardi Nuryadi; Hartono | Universitas Negeri Yogakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | The role of scaffolding in model eliciting activities (MEAs) | OK |
118 | Dea Armelia;Endah Retnowati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Using Technology in mathematics education | The Role of Abstraction Ability in Mathematical Modelling | OK |
119 | Baoyang Youayia ; Ariyadi Wijaya | Unversitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | A Comparative Analysis of Geometry Tasks in Laotian and Indonesian Lower Secondary School Mathematics Textbooks from the Perspective of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy | OK |
120 | Dian Putri Wulandari; Abd Qohar | Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Development of STACKOPER Learning Media on Direct and Inverse Proportion Subject | OK |