List of Speaker Participant 2021
No | NAME | Institution | Category | Title of paper |
21 | Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti | Yogyakarta State University | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Worksheets to improve the student's mathematical understanding who was studying mathematics online: how should it be? |
22 | Ali Mahmudi | Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | How is the ability of prospective teacher students in solving mathematical proof problems? |
23 | R. Rosnawati; Ariyadi Wijaya; Tuharto | Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Mathematical Reasoning Activities in the Micro-teaching Simulation |
24 | Nuim Hayat; Sri Andayani; Muqit Virdaus; Inayah | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Using Technology in mathematics education | Students’ responds on Website-Based Mathematics Learning Media on Social Arithmetic Materials |
25 | Sri Andayani, Thesa Adi S.Y,.Bambang Sumarno HM.,Nur Hadi W. | Mathematics Study Program UNY | Applied Mathematics & Computer | IMAGES PROCESSING FOR MYOPIA DETECTION USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS |
26 | Glagah Eskacakra Setyowisnu; Nikenasih Binatari | Yogyakarta State University | Applied Mathematics & Computer | The Derivation of Green’s Function on Homogeneous Two-Dimensional Wave Equation Dirichlet Boundary Condition Using Separation of Variable Method |
27 | Ahmad Heri Purwanto, Endah Retnowati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | AKM : The New Assessment for learning in Indonesia |
28 | Nia Afrelia ; Ali Mahmudi ; Heri Retnawati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | How is the Problem Solving Ability and Scientific Attitude of Students in Mathematics Learning Seen from the Teacher's Perspective? |
29 | Lydia Yeckti Henawati; Heri Retnawati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | Evaluation of The Implementation of Blended Learning Models in Mathematics Learning (A Literature Review) |
30 | Mujahidawati; Novferma; Gugun M. Simatupang; Ari Frianto; Febbry Romundza; Dian Novita Sari | Universitas Jambi | Analysis | ANALYSIS OF INTEREST IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS USING ANDROID-BASED ANIMATION FILM MEDIA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC |