List of Speaker Participant 2021

No NAME Institution Category Title of paper
61 Ertin Aini Farhatin; Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning The Effect of Creative Problem Solving Learning on Students' Creative Thinking Ability and Mathematical Disposition
62 Rera Fareralita; Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning The application of inquiry learning for mathematics learning and its impact on students
63 Wiwit Damayanti Lestari; Aan Juhana Senjaya; Farid Gunadi; Rosyadi Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Wiralodra Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Profile of Prospective Mathematics Teacher’s Pedagogic Competency: Understanding in Recognizing the Characteristics of Students in Hybrid Learning
64 Ulfa Annisa Lubis; Sri Andayani Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning The Effect of LMS Schoology Assisted Reciprocal Teaching on Students' Self-Efficacy in Learning Mathematics
65 Phoa Wily; Amin Suyitno; Edy Soedjoko Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Error Analysis of Vocational School Students in Solving Quadratic Equations Problems with Reflective and Impulsive Cognitive Styles Based on Step of Solving Polya Problems
66 Nur Fitriani;Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Didactical Design of Learning Mathematics in Reducing Students' Learning Obstacles
67 Mutiara Annisa Widodo; Murdanu Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education AN IMPLEMENTATION OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING FOR SMPLB STUDENTS BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013
68 Rian Efendi; Kismiantini; Andhika Wildan Krisnamurti Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Analysis of PISA 2018 results in Indonesia: Perspective of ICT Resources, Books, Grade Repetition, and School Background
69 Eka Ramadanti; Sugiman Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Learning Mathematis with a Contextual Approach on Online Learning
70 Bambang Heriyanto; Marsigit Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Development of Papuan Ethnomathematics-Based Student Worksheets (LKPD) with Problem Solving Learning Models in Junior High School Mathematics Learning
