List of Speaker Participant 2021
No | NAME | Institution | Category | Title of paper |
31 | Siti Kholifah; St. Budi Waluya; Iqbal Kharisudin | Semarang State University | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | The Guardian’s Mathematics Communication in Word Problem Based on Students Reading Skill |
32 | Sukmo Purwo Diharto; Ramadian Radite; Iif Zufidatul Inayah; Sri Andayani | Yogyakarta State University | Using Technology in mathematics education | Study of the Effect of Mobile Learning for Mathematics Understanding in Middle School |
33 | Lilis Arum Ravita; Kismiantini | state university of Yogyakarta | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | The Relationship of Instrumental Motivation, Self Efficacy, Mathematics Work Ethic, Teacher Morale, and Teacher Grouping Ability to PISA 2012 Mathematics Achievement of Indonesia Students |
34 | Irfan Saeful Hidayat ; Marsigit | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Implementation of Mathematics Learning in The Context of The Joglo Traditional House With The Help of Geogebra |
35 | Zahrotur Rohmah; Endah Retnowati | Yogyakarta State University | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Can We Improve Transfer Skill through Isomorphisms: The Case of Proportion Topic |
36 | Luqyana Khalda’ Aesa ; Endah Retnowati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | Developing An Assessment Based on Solo Taxonomy for Junior High School |
37 | Setia Kusumaningrum; Endah Retnowati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | Multi-step Word Problem in Quadratic Equations to Facilitate Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability |
38 | Shinta Agustina Putri; Heri Retnawati; Elly Arliani | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | Analysis Of Assessment Result of Mathematic Problem Solving Ability For Student: Study of Literature |
39 | Fuad Luky Atmaja; Kana Hidayati | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education | Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills : Perspective of Mathematics Teacher |
40 | Eka Dewi; Elly Arliani | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning | STEM Approach in Middle School Mathematics Learning: What is Teacher’s Perception of it? |