List of Speaker Participant 2021

No NAME Institution Category Title of paper
31 Siti Kholifah; St. Budi Waluya; Iqbal Kharisudin Semarang State University Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education The Guardian’s Mathematics Communication in Word Problem Based on Students Reading Skill
32 Sukmo Purwo Diharto; Ramadian Radite; Iif Zufidatul Inayah; Sri Andayani Yogyakarta State University Using Technology in mathematics education Study of the Effect of Mobile Learning for Mathematics Understanding in Middle School
33 Lilis Arum Ravita; Kismiantini state university of Yogyakarta Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education The Relationship of Instrumental Motivation, Self Efficacy, Mathematics Work Ethic, Teacher Morale, and Teacher Grouping Ability to PISA 2012 Mathematics Achievement of Indonesia Students
34 Irfan Saeful Hidayat ; Marsigit Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Implementation of Mathematics Learning in The Context of The Joglo Traditional House With The Help of Geogebra
35 Zahrotur Rohmah; Endah Retnowati Yogyakarta State University Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Can We Improve Transfer Skill through Isomorphisms: The Case of Proportion Topic
36 Luqyana Khalda’ Aesa ; Endah Retnowati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Developing An Assessment Based on Solo Taxonomy for Junior High School
37 Setia Kusumaningrum; Endah Retnowati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning Multi-step Word Problem in Quadratic Equations to Facilitate Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability
38 Shinta Agustina Putri; Heri Retnawati; Elly Arliani Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Analysis Of Assessment Result of Mathematic Problem Solving Ability For Student: Study of Literature
39 Fuad Luky Atmaja; Kana Hidayati Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Evaluation and Assessment in Mathematics Education Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills : Perspective of Mathematics Teacher
40 Eka Dewi; Elly Arliani Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning STEM Approach in Middle School Mathematics Learning: What is Teacher’s Perception of it?
